Source code for dialogflow_fulfillment.rich_responses.base

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from typing import Any, Dict

[docs]class RichResponse(metaclass=ABCMeta): """ The base (abstract) class for the different types of rich responses. See Also: For more information about the :class:`RichResponse`, see the `Rich response messages`_ section in Dialogflow's documentation. .. _Rich response messages: """ # noqa: E501 @abstractmethod def _as_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Convert the rich response object to a dictionary. See Also: For more information about the fields for the different types of messages, see the Message_ section in Dialogflow's documentation. .. _Message: """ # noqa: E501 @classmethod @abstractmethod def _from_dict(cls, message: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'RichResponse': """ Convert a response message object to a type of :class:`RichResponse`. Parameters: message (dict): The response message object from Dialogflow. Returns: :class:`RichResponse`: A subclass of :class:`RichResponse` that corresponds to the message field in the message object (e.g.: it creates an instance of a :class:`QuickReplies` if the response message object has a :obj:`quickReplies` field). Raises: TypeError: If the response message object doesn't have exactly one field for a supported type of message. See Also: For more information about the fields for the different types of messages, see the Message_ section in Dialogflow's documentation. .. _Message: """ # noqa: E501 message_fields_to_classes = { cls._upper_camel_to_lower_camel(subclass.__name__): subclass for subclass in cls.__subclasses__() } fields_intersection = message.keys() & message_fields_to_classes.keys() if not len(fields_intersection) == 1: raise TypeError('unsupported type of message') message_field = fields_intersection.pop() return message_fields_to_classes[message_field]._from_dict(message) @classmethod def _upper_camel_to_lower_camel(cls, name: str) -> str: """ Convert a UpperCamelCase name to lowerCamelCase. Parameters: name (str): A UpperCamelCase string. Returns: str: The input string in lowerCamelCase. """ return name[0].lower() + name[1:]