Source code for dialogflow_fulfillment.contexts

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional

[docs]class Context: """ A client class for accessing and manipulating input and output contexts. This class provides an API that allows to create, edit or delete contexts during conversations. Parameters: input_contexts (list(dict)): The contexts that were active in the conversation when the intent was triggered by Dialogflow. session (str): The session of the conversation. Attributes: input_contexts (list(dict)): The contexts that were active in the conversation when the intent was triggered by Dialogflow. session (str): The session of the conversation. contexts (dict(str, dict)): A mapping of context names to context objects (dictionaries). """ def __init__( self, input_contexts: List[Dict[str, Any]], session: str ) -> None: self.input_contexts = self._process_input_contexts(input_contexts) self.session = session self.contexts = {**self.input_contexts} @staticmethod def _process_input_contexts( input_contexts: List[Dict[str, Any]] ) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]: """Process a list of input contexts.""" contexts = {} for context in input_contexts: name = context.get('name', '').rsplit('/', 1).pop() contexts[name] = context return contexts
[docs] def set( self, name: str, lifespan_count: Optional[int] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> None: """ Set a new context or update an existing context. Sets the lifepan and parameters of a context (if the context exists) or creates a new output context (if the context doesn't exist). Parameters: name (str): The name of the context. lifespan_count (int, optional): The lifespan duration of the context (in minutes). parameters (dict, optional): The parameters of the context. Raises: TypeError: If the name is not a string. """ if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError('name argument must be a string') if name not in self.contexts: self.contexts[name] = {'name': name} if lifespan_count is not None: self.contexts[name]['lifespanCount'] = lifespan_count if parameters is not None: self.contexts[name]['parameters'] = parameters
[docs] def get(self, name: str) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Get the context object (if exists). Parameters: name (str): The name of the context. Returns: dict, optional: The context object (dictionary) if exists. """ return self.contexts.get(name)
[docs] def delete(self, name: str) -> None: """ Deactivate an output context by setting its lifespan to 0. Parameters: name (str): The name of the context. """ self.set(name, lifespan_count=0)
[docs] def get_output_contexts_array(self) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Get the output contexts as an array. Returns: list(dict): The output contexts (dictionaries). """ return [*self]
def __iter__(self) -> 'Context': """Implement iter(self).""" self._index = 0 self._context_array = list(self.contexts.values()) return self def __next__(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Implement next(self).""" if self._index >= len(self._context_array): raise StopIteration context = self._context_array[self._index] self._index += 1 return context